Stable Value Investments

Stable Value Investments

Experience lower risk investing the Voya way


Potential benefits


Voya Retirement Insurance and Annuity Company (VRIAC) offers stable value products to defined contribution plans including 401(k), 401(a), governmental 457(b) and 529 college savings plans. Our multi-product portfolio provides choice and flexibility across all institutional plan sizes and tax codes.


The Voya Stabilizer℠ product is a separate account GIC that utilizes a separate account established by VRIAC, insulated from claims arising out of any other business conducted by VRIAC. The product is generally guaranteed to preserve principal based on the claims-paying ability of VRIAC. The plan sponsor can choose from one of our commingled separate account fixed income strategies or, if the assets of the Stabilizer account will exceed $100 million, can work with us to design an individually customized strategy. The fixed income strategies are managed by a dedicated staff through Voya Investment Management Co. LLC. Stabilizer is available within Voya’s record kept plans, as well as on an investment only basis.


Voya works with a trustee to offer several CITs for use by defined contribution plan participants in qualified 401(a), 401(k) and governmental 457(b) plans. The funds seek to provide safety of principal and a competitive yield with low return volatility, while maintaining adequate liquidity. CITs allow plan sponsors to participate in a larger pool of assets with other plan sponsors.


Fixed accounts provide stability of principal and a guaranteed option for participants. The Voya Fixed Account is available through a group annuity or other type of contract issued by VRIAC. The Voya Fixed Account is an obligation of VRIAC’s general account which supports all the Company’s insurance and annuity commitments. All guarantees are based on the financial strength and claims-paying ability of VRIAC, which is solely responsible for all obligations under its contracts.


The Voya Managed Custody Account product is a synthetic GIC that allows sponsors to retain ownership of the underlying assets, while still providing for a guarantee of principal within the stable value fund. The underlying assets are guaranteed to preserve principal by VRIAC.   

Investment services

Voya Investment Management has a dedicated stable value practice specializing in third party fixed income management. Sample strategies available include Government Securities, Intermediate Government/Credit and Intermediate Aggregate. Customized strategies are available for stable value assets in excess of $100 million. For more information, go to


With Voya, you gain decades of experience and commitment to the industry along with a dedicated client service team. With our proven track record, Voya works with plan sponsors to design and implement their stable value fund.

  • Over 40 years of commitment to the stable value market
  • Ranked #3 in stable value separate account and synthetic account assets1
  • Approximately $39 billion in total stable value separate account and synthetic account AUM and AUA2


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Sales territories US map: West - Tony Camp, Northeast - Bob Waldo, Central & Southwest - Chris Solimine

Christopher Solimine, SVP, Head of Investment Solutions

* Registered Representative of Voya Financial Partners LLC, (member SIPC)

1 Valerian Capital Group Synthetic GIC/BVW Market Landscape Report as of December 31, 2024

2 Internal Voya statistics as of December 31, 2024

Stable value products are offered through a group annuity contract issued by of Voya Retirement Insurance and Annuity Company (“VRIAC”). Stability of principal is the primary objective of this investment option. Under some scenarios it is possible for participants to lose money even in a stable value option. Those situations are unlikely and rarely occur, but they can happen. It’s important for investors to be aware of these potential risks. Withdrawals resulting from employer-initiated events, such as withdrawals following mass layoffs, employer bankruptcy or full or partial plan termination are not always covered by the product’s guarantees and may be restricted or subject to market value adjustment. Stable value account balances are not guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC), by any other government agency or by the plan. This portfolio is not a registered investment under the 1940 Act and has not been registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

All guarantees are based on the financial strength and claims paying ability of the individual issuing insurance company, who is solely responsible for all obligations under its policies.
