Smooth, simplified implementation

Smooth, simplified implementation

Whether transitioning an existing retirement plan or starting from scratch, we’re with you every step of the way.


We know change can be complex, especially when changing your workplace retirement savings solution. At Voya, we’re dedicated to making the implementation process as seamless as possible. We’re proud to provide a digital experience that connects people, process and technology.

  • People: An expanded team to deliver a hands-on, consultative approach
  • Process: A clear, outlined checklist — so you always know the next step
  • Technology: New scheduling and digital tools to streamline the transition

Based on feedback from our individual, workplace and institutional clients, our new digital implementation process is making a significant impact.

We are committed to helping people feel well-planned, well-invested and well-protected. With an efficient transition, retirement plan sponsors can confidently move their workplace benefits and savings programs to an award-winning organization, and employees can get set up in their new retirement plans sooner.

The fewer (or even zero) days out of market, followed by highly engaging employee experiences, can create better financial outcomes for employees.

See more about our digital-enabled implementation process

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Additional solutions

1 Voya plan data 2022

2 Voya plan data through 5/2023

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