Ronda Davis, Jean Templer, La Donna Leazer, Michael Bowden
Davis and her colleagues’ winning program idea, “The Incredible Arts Project”, will be led by students, with educators serving as facilitators. Thirty fifth-grade students will be guided through eight weeks of ‘edible arts’ workshops. The culinary arts instructor will teach nutrition through fun, exciting, engaging, edible workshop projects. Workshops include: Introduction and Explanation of Portfolios, Fruity Tooty Fruit Bouquet, Veggies, Vegetable Art, Fruit/Vegetable Sandwich, Etiquette and Table Setting Workshop, Assessment and Event Preparation for Edible Arts Festival Day. The students will be required to keep a portfolio and be responsible for teaching to an audience of parents and younger children. A recipe book will be created and reproduced for families at the culminating event – the Edible Arts Festival Day. Davis and her teammates hope students will learn how the world is integrated as they use an array of skills by participating in the workshop and interacting with others.