Jonathan Felix
Los Angeles, CA
68th Street Elementary School
First Place Winner
"Write On!" is a project-based program developed by Felix that integrates writing, English, photography, technology and web design into the teaching curriculum for his third-grade students at 68th Street Elementary School. The students use technology to research, write, edit and create a library of books which are then made available as e-books online. They learn how to use a digital camera, download and edit photographs, create and print pages and publish and upload their books on the Internet. In the past, the students have done all of their work using only one computer. Now, with the funds from ING, they will have the proper technology and software to continue producing their e-books. The technology used in "Write On!" is designed to give the children leverage to express their creativity. According to Felix, the skills that the students learn during the process are invaluable. He hopes that each student will learn that they are bigger than their circumstances and that their ideas have the power to create wealth. Each book that the students produce is sold to their family and friends. With the ING award, not only will Felix's students benefit, but the entire student body and many students will benefit for years to come. Felix resides in Los Angeles.