Elle LeBlanc, Dr. Marion Gehrmann, Danielle Barcenas, Christa Rhea and Aaron Greene

Austin, TX
Vandergrift High School
Christa Rhea, Dr. Marion Gehrmann, Elle LeBlanc, Danielle Barcenas and Aaron Greene

The team’s innovative teaching idea, “Environmental Chemistry,” is designed to facilitate student engagement, mentorship and vertical alignment of Chemistry with AP Environmental Science classes at Vandergrift High School. On the school’s rural campus in Austin, Texas, students care deeply about environmental issues. However, authentic inquiry-driven investigations that link science concepts to environmental protection are lacking. To augment student engagement in Chemistry, a sophomore class whose topics are highly connected to AP Environmental Science, the class will incorporate guided inquiry experiments that allow vertical alignment between the two courses. Specifically, students will synthesize biodiesel, create bioplastics and establish a hydroponics garden. These experiments will be carried out in chemistry class by sophomores, whereas juniors and seniors from APES will serve as mentors. The collaboration between different grade levels and courses is rare at the school which makes it innovative.