Donita Massing

Massing’s innovative teaching idea, “Elevating Student Success in Digital Cinema,” is designed to enhance Miami Valley Career Technology Center students’ storytelling abilities by engaging them in digital cinema projects that incorporate science, technology, engineering, arts and math (STEAM) objectives. The aim of these projects is to achieve fundamental objectives related to video and sound. According to the resource Ohio Means Jobs, the video production industry is expected to grow by 15.3% over the next decade, indicating a growing demand for professionals with video storytelling skills. Ideal Digital Cinema projects would merge storytelling and technical skill development, providing students with a meaningful experience that impacts the district and the wider community. Many project ideas could incorporate lighting theory, design, cognitive theory, psychology and other fields. The Voya Unsung Heroes grant funds will be used to purchase new video equipment such as 4K cameras, microphones, gimbals, tripods and more.