Corbet Houston
Washington, DC
The Arts & Technology Academy
The winning program, "Myles and Ayesha," aims to make science, technology,
engineering and math more enticing. "Myles and Ayesha" is an educational
animated cartoon series where the main characters are African American
third-grade students and best friends. The characters explore science concepts
throughout the storyline in every episode. Guided by professional animators and
story tellers, the third and fourth-grade students, along with their teachers,
will work together to create every aspect of the cartoon series, making science
education relevant and placing it directly in the contexts of their classrooms,
neighborhoods, and everyday life encounters. This program is also designed to
enhance students' public speaking and storytelling skills, as well as experience
different methods of self expression and the knowledge of the various
technology-based tools needed to bring their thoughts and ideas to life.