Carolina Costa Candal

Costa Candal’s innovative teaching idea, “Kinder Rabbit Hole Adventure,” is designed to merge storytelling with the world of play learning. Carver Dual Language School students will develop oral and reading skills through read-aloud sessions, reader’s theater, dramatic play, visits to The Rabbit hOle children’s literature museum, and a final performance showcasing their learning. Students will read 20 literary works over the fall, then engage in dramatic play and reader’s theater activities for each text to explore the characters, settings and details of the storyline. These will be both guided and free explorations of the texts to foster creativity and critical thinking, while building mastery towards the school’s language arts standards. In December, students will visit The Rabbit hOle museum to explore the literary settings they have been immersed in and seek inspiration for their student performance. The performance will recreate students’ favorite storylines for an audience of peers and families. Students will develop a script based on the book, cast their script, create props, design costumes and background settings, and practice their script. Students will then create invitations for families and K-3 students. They will perform their original play using all the skills and creativity they have developed.