Carol A. Robertson

Stansbury Park, UT
Rose Spring Elementary School
Third Place Winner
Robertson's "Homework Jungle: By Kids 4 Kids" Web site will contain student-created and taught lessons on the exact skills that Rose Springs Elementary third and fifth-grade students need for their math, science and language arts assignments. Parents, who may need material to jog their memory so they can assist their children with homework assignments, can find that information in lessons taught by "student experts." Robertson will provide "student experts" with initial instruction in literacy, math, science and technology, to serve as technology specialists for the website, and direct the student teams. Student teams will develop short lessons to teach targeted skills that will be published on The "Homework Jungle" Web site project will also seek to 1) improve literacy, math, science and technology skills, 2) develop problem-solving skills by having students work in teams, 3) improve school/community/home communication and 4) motivate students to become more engaged in learning. Once posted to the Web, the lessons will be available year after year to students, parents and the community as a homework resource. When students encounter problems at home, families can visit the Website, view the tutorials and learn the skills necessary to complete their homework. With technology being of more interest to students than the traditional paper-and-pencil method of learning, Robertson even envisions less motivated students signing up to join one of the student expert teams to become more engaged in the learning process. She believes these students will encourage their peers to do the same. Robertson resides in Toele.