Amanda Triplett, Laura Lagania, Jennifer Barmore and Heidi Long

Dalton, GA
Dalton Junior High School
Amanda Triplett, Laura Lagania, Jennifer Barmore, and Heidi Long

The team’s innovative teaching idea, “Speak Up Whitfield (SUW),” is about developing a community of podcasting classrooms in grades 3-12 throughout Whitfield County in Georgia. SUW has three components: teacher training; pod partnerships; and a podcast competition. The project includes training four pilot teachers to manage student-created podcasting. These teachers will work to include students and teachers in other schools, through mentorship and collaboration, in an annual podcast competition and with activities involving community partners. This project will begin with 350 students in four classrooms, with plans to expand its reach to thousands throughout the region. The team of educators hope the podcasts will increase student learning and engagement as well as develop skills in areas such as leadership, research, content development, and STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) while helping them gain a deeper understanding of different cultures and student experiences.