Statements and policies

Statements and policies

At Voya Financial, we have a responsibility to operate with integrity and conduct our business practices in a responsible manner. To that end, our policies and code of ethics are designed to maximize transparency and foster an environment of openness, accountability and integrity.


Voya Financial businesses are built on trust — the trust our institutional and individual customers have in our products, services and employees. Although this basic truth applies across business in general, it is especially meaningful in financial services, where Voya is charged with helping manage customers’ money and lifelong financial security.

We recognize that improper actions by one person can damage the trust that is central to our company’s success. That is why we have made the company Code of Business Conduct and Ethics a centerpiece of our overall human resources management practices and ongoing compliance efforts.

All employees are required to acknowledge their familiarity with this document and the guidance and expectations set forth in it.


As our policies state, we understand we have a role to play at Voya Financial in protecting the environment. We recognize that it’s important for us to take actions that minimize our impact. 


We have an Environmental, Social and Governance risk management framework that covers a broad spectrum of Voya Financial’s activities, including the management of our relations with our business partners and communities.

The framework reflects our commitment to conducting business in a way that is socially, environmentally, economically and ethically responsible, in line with our Corporate Values.

The Environmental, Social and Governance risk management guidelines generally apply to our business transactions and products to the extent that they do not conflict with our obligations to our customers or other legal and regulatory requirements.

The scope of the Environmental, Social and Governance risk framework is broad and includes, among other areas, human rights, labor issues, health and other controversial topics. We review our Environmental, Social and Governance risk management approach and the related systems and processes on a regular basis to ensure that inherent risks are effectively managed.  


Voya Financial fosters a supportive and respectful work environment where the highest standards of integrity and fairness are maintained. We also believe in the respect of the rights of the workers of our suppliers, clients, business partners and members of the community. To read about our commitment to ethical behavior, diversity and inclusion, non-discrimination, health and safety, wage compensation, labor and issue resolution, download our statement.

View Voya’s Human and Workplace Rights Policy


Our corporate values and our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics are the cornerstones of our culture and central to our success. Together, these clearly define the expectations of our employees and directors at Voya. While our corporate values represent who we are, our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics represents how we act and reflects our commitment to maintaining the highest level of quality and integrity in everything we do.

This Supplier Code of Conduct sets forth Voya’s standards and expectations with respect to key areas of corporate responsibility. Our goal is to work with suppliers to ensure alignment with our corporate values, operate ethically and responsibly, and comply with applicable laws, regulations and corporate policies.