Expanded aggregation security measures

At Voya, we are expanding security measures to protect your confidential data

At Voya, we appreciate the convenience financial apps provide — helping you to manage your money wisely. However, the ways in which certain services collect — and store — sensitive data like your financial account log in and transactions could pose a risk to your confidential data.

What is a data aggregator?

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When you use a financial app, you’re usually asked to provide personal data and your banking credentials so the app can gather all your information to provide its service. 

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Data aggregators are third-party services working in the background to supply that app with specific linked financial data needed for the app’s functions.

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The information collected could include a variety of confidential records from your financial group such as accounts, balances, statements, transactions and personal facts.

What you’ll need to do

Over the coming months, Voya will be rolling out new security measures to further protect your confidential information to stop aggregators from putting your data at risk. This change will cause a break in the existing links between Voya and any aggregators. If you have connected to your Voya accounts from an external aggregator such as Mint or e-money, you may receive a message to reconnect your linked accounts to update security.

It’s vital to understand how using apps that access your financial accounts — usually through a separate, third-party data aggregator like Mint or e-money — can increase the risk of your data. Here are more ways you can be cybersafe and protect your personal information.
