Student loan debt benefit support

Student loan debt benefit support

A young man walking away wearing a college cap and gown at graduation

Student loan debt affects nearly one in five adults.1 It can prevent employees from saving for retirement and impact overall financial wellness.2

Help your employees manage their student loan debt by offering student loan debt support. 

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Voya offers flexible student loan debt benefit resources that may help your employee population

  • Education: Through Voya’s financial wellness program, we focus on educating employees on a wide range of topics including saving for college and managing student loan debt.
  • Student loan match: Voya supports the SECURE 2.0 Act Section 110 which permits plan sponsors to make matching contributions to their retirement plan based on employees’ qualified student loan payments



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Related Items

1 Nerdwallet, “How Many Americans have Student Loan Debt,” January 2023.

2 Voya Consumer Insights and Research, December 2022.

3 Voya Financial Consumer Insights & Research survey, June 2022.

Products and services offered through the Voya® family of companies.

