Working with a financial professional can help you keep your goals on track

A good financial professional helps you make the most of your investments

You have a vision for your retirement. But developing financial strategies, choosing investments and maintaining them throughout retirement are things many people just don’t feel qualified to tackle. Fortunately, help is at hand. A financial advisor can give you a holistic view of the process, help you plan and play an active part in your financial strategy. An advisor can give you a better understanding of how everything works — giving you more control over your money.

Finding the right fit

Choosing a good financial advisor isn’t always easy. You’ll want to do more than just take a recommendation from a friend or relative. Once you’ve found some prospects, you’ll need to conduct an interview. After all, you’re hiring this person to help you manage your future financial well-being. You’ll want to thoroughly understand the advisor’s approach to financial planning. Ask questions like: Do you take a holistic view or focus on specific objectives? What are your qualifications and professional credentials? How are you compensated? Many financial professionals have an alphabet soup of letters behind their names. Like anything in life, you get what you pay for.

Why a Voya Financial Advisors (Voya) Retirement Consultant?

We’ve already done most of the vetting for you. With a Voya retirement consultant, you know you’re getting a qualified professional who is thoroughly familiar with all of our products and services, able to offer good advice and make sound financial decisions on your behalf. You’ll build an ongoing, one-on-one relationship as your advisor gets to know you and your situation, and you can work together to tailor financial advice specifically to meet your needs. Your Voya retirement consultant will assist you as much or as little as you want and you’ll have direct access via phone and email. It’s the kind of close relationship you need to best meet your goals.

Guidance is good

Your Voya retirement consultant can take a look at your existing retirement accounts and your life insurance needs and help you come up with a plan that makes the most sense. If you’re on the right track, your consultant can help reaffirm your choices and make suggestions to further maximize your investments. If you haven’t gotten that far, he or she can help you create an organized, thought-out plan. Most importantly, your consultant can help you gain an understanding of the entire process. And when you do, you’ll be able to make the best decisions about what to do with your money.

Ready to start?

Visit our find a professional page to start your search today.

   Find a Professional


This material is provided for general and educational purposes only; it is not intended to provide legal, tax or investment advice. All investments are subject to risk. When redeemed, an investment may be worth more or less than the original amount invested. Securities and investment advisory services offered through Voya Financial Advisors, Inc. (member SIPC).

This information is provided by Voya for your education only. Neither Voya nor its representatives offer tax or legal advice. Please consult your tax or legal advisor before making a tax-related investment/insurance decision.

Products and services offered through the Voya® family of companies.
